1. Sorted array: - 1 - 2 - 3 2. Sorted in descending order: - 3 - 2 - 1 3.1. Sorted by length: - a - bc - abc 3.2. Sorted by length in descending order: - abc - bc - a 4. Sorted by the 1st character: - abc - a - bc 5.1. Sorted by the 1st character with nspl\op\itemGetter: - abc - a - bc 5.2. Sorted by the 1st character with nspl\op\itemGetter in descending order: - bc - abc - a 6. Sorted by the 1st character with a comparison function: - bc - a - abc 7. Sorted lexicographically: - a - abc - bc 8.1. Users sorted by name: - {"name":"Alex","age":30} - {"name":"Jack","age":25} - {"name":"Robert","age":20} 8.2. Users sorted by name in descending order: - {"name":"Robert","age":20} - {"name":"Jack","age":25} - {"name":"Alex","age":30} 9.1. Users presented as list of objects sorted by name: - Alex, 30y.o. - Jack, 25y.o. - Robert, 20y.o. 9.2. Users presented as list of objects sorted by name in descending order: - Robert, 20y.o. - Jack, 25y.o. - Alex, 30y.o. 10.1. Users presented as list of objects sorted by age: - Robert, 20y.o. - Jack, 25y.o. - Alex, 30y.o. 10.2. Users presented as list of objects sorted by age in descending order: - Alex, 30y.o. - Jack, 25y.o. - Robert, 20y.o.